Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Why I didn't do it

I have actually been asked by a friend or two why I didn't change my profile pic.

I'll state my self as well as I may.

Socially I believe the following:

I have no issue with Homosexual marriage either civil or performed in a church/religion that sanctions it, It has existed for untold hundreds and thousands of years. It will continue to exist whether or not a portion of society finds it distasteful or taboo. I have friends and even relatives who choose this lifestyle. It is their choice to make, and their freedom to claim. Not mine to make for them or take away from them.

I also have no issue with a Church or religious organization refusing to allow such a ceremony in their sanctuaries or grounds. Most certainly a religious organization should never be forced to perform a rite they would consider anathema. That is their choice and freedom. Not one that should be made for them or taken away from them.

Spiritually I believe this:

God gave each of us the a spirit, will, and the _Divine Act of Choice_ .

It is not my place to take God's gift from another of his creations no matter my beliefs. Should that choice be contrary to the Laws of Man, then they shall answer to Man. If they are truly contrary to the will of God then it is to the Almighty they will eventually answer, not to me. It is not my place to judge in this lest I be judged.

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