In my life I have known two _truly great_ men. I know many good men, and a few great men, but these two stand out in my mind and heart.
One was Dewy Ray Chase, A Master carpenter and builder. I have crossed bridges he built and looked with pride at buildings I knew he was a part of. He was a deacon of is church to the day he passed and at his memorial I remember people coming and bringing pies and other items and saying "Ray helped me years ago an told me to pay him when I could." He was my Mothers grand father and my Great grand-father, we called him Pa. I did not know Pa was a veteran of WWII until many years later when I was searching genealogy data bases. He never talked about it.
The second was Harold Leissler Riney. He was a minister and more. ( I just learned today at his memorial he had once been a butcher) He as much as any Minister I have ever met lived his ministry. He prayed daily for his congregations, He could deliver from the pulpit a thundering fire and brimstone sermon, or a gentle heartfelt call. He cared for all around him and would be as quick to help a neighbor mend a fence as pick peas in his garden. He retired from the ministry... twice. I feel privileged to be named for him as he was my Father's, Father. The middle name Leissler comes from his grand mother Molly Catherine Leissler. and was passed down to my Uncle Hal, then to me and then to my son Donovan.
One of the greatest complements I might ever hope to receive would be to be compared to either of these two great men
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