Is it the _right_ of a US citizen to burn, stomp upon, and otherwise denigrate the American flag?
Yes, Yes it is. I find it distasteful and offensive but it is protected by the First Amendment.
Is it the _right_ of a US citizen to openly refer to our Legislature, our President and our High Court as puppets, shills, whores, evil and unjust?
Yes, Yes it is. I find it distasteful and offensive but it is protected by the First Amendment.
Is it the right of a US citizen to venerate a socialist dictator and declare that they are by merit of race better than other citizens of this nation.
Yes, Yes it is. I find it distasteful and offensive but it is protected by the First Amendment.
Are Monuments to the CSA directly venerating the act of slavery and the supremacy of one man over another a right of a US citizen?
Yes, Yes it is. I find it distasteful and offensive but it is protected by the First Amendment.
Is it a right of US citizens that there is a statue of Stalin in Seattle and a Statue of Pancho Villa in Tucson, or the brutal butcher Che Guevara is glorified on t-shirts and posters.
Yes, Yes it is. I find it distasteful and offensive but it is protected by the First Amendment.
Now, that being said....
it is the right of a US citizen the protest these things, to want them changed, to alter the narrative with another point of view?
Yes, Yes it is. I find it protected by the First Amendment.
Is it the right of US citizens to vote to change or remove past monuments?
Yes, Yes it is. I find it protected by the First Amendment.
Is it the right of US citizens to defend a heritage and point of view?
Yes, Yes it is. I find it protected by the First Amendment.
this is how we learn and grow as a Nation
Is it the right of a US citizen to incite or act in violence to promote their view?
No, No that is not protected from either side. Conversations are not held with clubs and chains, they are held with open minds.
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