Saturday, January 17, 2015


after a long week I finally got a chance at calm. Standing in my Driveway listening to the Crickets, Cicada's, and Tree frogs.
I have seen the stars from three continents. Touched the waters of both east and west sides of the Atlantic and the Pacific. I have played in the gulf of Mexico, the Aegean, the Mediterranean, and the Balearic Seas. I have stood in the footsteps of the Devil, played in a pill box on the Maginot Line, Roller skated in a square where Hitler gave a speech.

I have stood in the fort that launched Custer upon his last campaign of death, I have watched the future as Space Shuttles and rockets ascended the heavens. I have stood in castle walls breached by cannon fire. I have seen the ultimate depravity of man at Dachau and Black Kettle. I have seen mans quest for redemption in the works and beauty of the Renaissance.
So Many things I have had the privilege and sometimes the nightmare to behold.
yet Crickets, Tree Frogs, and Cicada's ... When I hear them I just close my eyes and embrace the love of God.

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